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Roy Eugene Davis

A direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, Roy Eugene Davis is author of over a dozen books on Spiritual Self-development, Meditation, Kriya Yoga, and Ayurveda -- a wholistic system of medicine from India that uses a constitutional model. Its aim is to provide guidance regarding food and lifestyle so that healthy people can stay healthy and folks with health challenges can improve their health. His books teach basic principles, practices, and routines for total well-being, and rapid spiritual growth.

Roy Eugene Davis was born in 1931 in Leavittsburg, Ohio, approximately 40 miles south of Cleveland, and grew up in a farming community. In his early teenage years he frequented the public library, reading books on psychology, philosophy, and yoga. When he was 18 years of age, he read Paramahansa Yogananda's book Autobiography of a Yogi and immediately sensed a spiritual connection with Yogananda and the kriya yoga tradition. In December 1949, he traveled to Los Angeles, California, to meet with his guru (teacher) and was accepted for monastic discipleship training.

Mr. Davis was ordained by his guru in 1951 and was appointed as the minister of the Phoenix, Arizona, Self-Realization Fellowship Center in March 1952, shortly after Yogananda's passing. In late 1953, aware of a need to learn to live effectively in the secular world, he withdrew from the organization--but not from his relationship with the kriya yoga tradition or his commitment to serve. After 2 years in the U.S. Army Medical Corps at Fort Riley, Kansas, he began his mission as an independent teacher, traveling throughout America to lecture and present classes in dozens of cities.

In 1964 he lectured to large audiences in 8 cities in Japan under the auspices of the Seicho-No-Ie movement founded there by Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi. Another lecture tour was sponsored in Japan Seicho-No-Ie in 1978, and a few years later in Brazil. Through the years Mr. Davis has been a frequent guest speaker at Unity and Religious Science churches in the United States and Canada, and at holistic conferences and yoga gatherings. Other overseas tours have been to Ghana, Nigeria, Curacao, England, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Spain, and India. Mr. Davis presents the major classes at Lakemont during scheduled retreats and continues to annually visit a dozen or more U.S. cities and one or two other countries.

Some of his books are published in 8 languages, with more than 40 different editions in print in the U.S. and several countries. He is also the publisher of Truth Journal magazine and writes monthly lessons for CSA members around the world.

Mr. Davis moved to Lakemont, in Northeast Georgia, in 1972 to establish Center for Spiritual Awareness as a permanent base for his ministry. The work has continued to grow and flourish as increasing numbers of truth seekers are attracted to it and derive benefit from their participation.

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Selections From the Writings of Roy Eugene Davis

An Article from Roy Eugene Davis' Truth Journal Oct. 1989

I have said, You are gods; and all of you are children of the most high. –Psalms 82:6

The soul is never born, nor does it die at any time, nor having once come to be will it again cease to be. The soul is, in truth, unborn, eternal, permanent and spiritual. – Bhagavad Gita 2:20

You are as a ray of consciousness, reflections of the One Light. You came into involvement with the realm of nature as a result of the Light shining upon nature. Rays of Light becoming involved with the field of nature are known as souls. Souls, being rays of the One Light are not really born and they cannot die, anymore than the One Light can be born, or die.

When we became involved with matter we so identified with it that we began to express through a mental field, a portion of Cosmic Mind, and successive bodies or sheaths; the knowledge sheath, the mental sheath, the magnetic (causal) sheath, the astral (life force) sheath, and the physical body. Bodies are formed and in due time they disintegrate but the soul does not cease to be because it is immortal, as the Light is immortal.

In the traditional sense we may say that we are "children " of God because God is our source. When we are soul conscious we are as Gods, particularized rays of Light involved with creation. If the words of the psalmist had been translated differently - "You are God’s" – the statement would still be true because we are God’s expressions and we belong not to ourselves in an ego sense, but to God.

It is helpful for one on an enlightenment path to contemplate the truth of being, to become increasingly conscious of the fact that the being, the soul, is already and will ever be, immortal. It is not in need of being changed, but while it is still deluded and unaware of its real nature it is in need of being awakened. A deluded soul, one caught up in material concerns only, needs to learn to look to the source and awaken to its divine nature. In bible language "the son of man" refers to the human condition. A "son or daughter of God" is an awakened soul capable of comprehending the inner realms of fine forces and the reality of God, as well as the pure field of consciousness which supports all manifestation.

Krishna, in the Bhagavad Gita , also instructed the pure nature of the soul. Every enlightened person knows this truth, lives from it, and bears witness to it by his or her personal life. A fully illumined soul can live in the world with perfect understanding, conscious of the unbounded ocean of pure consciousness as well as the temporary view point referred to as ego-consciousness. We are like bubbles in the cosmic sea and we can learn to know our divine essence even while functioning in the realm of matter which is nothing more than God’s creative energy.

Learn to acknowledge your own essential nature and train yourself to see it in others. In the east many people greet their friends with folded hands and the word "namaste" which means, "I honor the divinity you are".

Whenever you meet someone, or think of someone, inwardly acknowledge, "I honor the divinity you are". Unless you are with devotees who understand the salutation you need not perform any outward gesture; merely inner recognition is sufficient. In this way you will bless yourself by being reminded of the truth and you will bless others by seeing their real spiritual essence.

Become universal in your understanding. See past color, personality characteristics, behavior, cultural origins and all that might separate you from soul communication with your brothers and sisters with whom you share your life. See God expressing through all people and all life forms.

The final solution to all human problems is spiritual enlightenment: mental illumination and unfoldment of conscious knowledge of ourselves as spiritual beings abiding in the wholeness of God. Even though this good news has been proclaimed by seers for thousands of years and is known in the heart of every person, what it is like to be enlightened may be difficult to imagine and awakening to it may erroneously be believed to be difficult if not impossible. To make spiritual awakening easier, what is needed is a radical change in how we think and feel about ourselves in relationship to the whole: one which provides an overview that enables us to have an intimation of what God is, and how the reality of God expresses as the cosmos and as souls.


Meditation proficiency can be acquired by practice. While some devotees are able to easily internalize their attention and experience spontaneous unfoldments of superconscious states, most people who try to meditate find it difficult to relax the body, overcome restlessness, and quiet their active mental processes. Curiosity about possible outcomes of meditation practice, aspiration to experience clear states of consciousness, devotion to practice, and the application of time-tested procedures such as regulation of breathing rhythms, prayer, and directing the body's vital forces upward to the higher brain centers, can be helpful. The effective use of specific psycophysiological (mind-body) techniques can enable a meditator to experience rapid progress.


A rational mind, devoid of confusion, erroneous beliefs, and illusions, always accurately processes information conveyed to it by the senses and innate knowledge revealed to it by the soul. When mental operations are rational, the intellect, the mental faculty that makes discernment possible, rejects falsehood in favor of fact or truth. The heart, the immortal, real Self or being of us, can only be satisfied with perfect realization (conscious experience) of wholeness and of what is true about itself and that which is perceived and experienced. Until this realization is accomplished and perfected, we are restless, lonely, and unhappy, because unfulfilled.


To live effectively and to fully awaken to spiritual realities, we need to be healthy-minded, knowledgeably purposeful, success-oriented, and completely dedicated to awakening to Self-knowledge and God-realizaton in this physical life cycle. A healthy, efficiently functioning mind is necessary for accessing and processing a variety of information for psychological, emotional, and physical well-being. Knowledgeable purpose is neccessary if our lives are to be meaningful and our actions focused. A success-attitude enables us to accept good fortune and accomplish worthwhile purposes. Complete dedication energizes the mind and body; empowers us to more easily make wise choices; helps us to disregard or avoid nonessential endeavors and involvements; concentrates our energies and constructive endeavors toward essential and worthwhile actions and circumstances; and sustains us when we are challenged by thoughts or feelings of uncertainty or occasions of personal difficulty. When only that which is real can satisfy the rational mind and the heart that aspires to wholeness, nuture both mind and soul with perceptions of truth and awaken to conscious experience of God.


Our real purpose for being in this world is much different than what is commonly believed by most people. Physical birth, growing through physiological and psychological stages to adulthood, family and social relationships and interactions, and learning survival and functional skills, are experiences common to human beings and creatures alike. Unlike creatures of nature which are primarily motivated by instinct, human beings, because more self-conscious and endowed with superior mental potential, are usually inclined to acquire a secular education, learn to work to provide for themselves and others, and endeavor to develop and express their creative abilities. Also, they often seek excessive sensory stimulation, status, power, and possessions, as substitutes for mental peace, Self-knowledge, and God-realization. For people in the world today who are not yet spiritually awake, their actions and experiences are but superficial incidents occurring on the stage of self-consious or egocentric life. They commonly experience their mind-conditioned, habit-bound lives as a partially conscious, dreamlike sequence of events with little or no knowledge of their causes or of how to implement actions to change or improve them.


What is our real purpose for being in this world? It is to awaken to knowledge of ourselves as spiritual beings in relationship to a Reality which, not confined by space, time, or relative circumstances, is infinite. When realization of transcendent knowledge is accomplished--when it is completely and permanently unfolded--we can live freely in the physical realm with enlightened understanding. When we are fully enlightened while expressing through a body, our awareness extends beyond the sense-perceived environment to include all planes and dimensions of the cosmos--and beyond them, to eternity. It is only the soul's confinement of awareness to an erroneous belief of independent selfhood that limits it. The truth is, because the soul is a unit of God's consciousness, it is infinite.

Click Here to visit Roy Eugene Davis' Center For Spiritual Awareness website.

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